Tuesday 20 November 2012

Tech-conspiracy: How they take your money from you

If you bought it then you should be able to do whatever you want with it, right?  Wrong!  Most gadget-making companies will disagree with you (from Apple to Zte).  Sure, you bought it and you will be able to use it, but they will try their best to ensure that you can only do as much as they want you to do with it.

You see they need to ensure that you are not able to do so much with the device or love it so much that you would not want to go out and buy the "newer" version in the next six (6) months.

These companies know that they need to keep you coming back for more and the only way to achieve that is by "giving" you a device that you would feel less than happy with in the next few months.  The funny thing though is this; if you were able to unlock its full potential, you'd be happy and satisfied with it for the next year and a half or even longer.

Case in point; What is wrong with the Apple iPad 3?  Why should I even consider an iPad 4 if I owned an iPad?.  It is all about getting you dissatisfied enough that you'd be willing to give up your hard-earned cash for something that you really do not need to buy (unless you're a tech-junkie that insist on  having all the latest gadgets).

So can your free your device or gadget from the shackles of it's manufacturer or your mobile carrier?  Yes!  Most definitely, but it will require a bit of "hackery" to accomplish that with two of the "paths to freedom" being:
  1. Unlocking the bootloader of your device
  2. Rooting the device

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